What was from the beginning, concerning the Word of Life, we proclaim to you.
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The question of our origins is fundamental to how we see the world and ourselves. If the universe has a Creator, then purpose is...
Ever wonder about how to approach the Bible? You’re not alone. In this lesson, we dive deep into the nature of the Bible—what it is, how...
Worshiping God is an essential part of many people's spiritual lives, but how do we know if we're doing it the right way? In this lesson,...
We all seek comfort in various ways — through possessions, relationships, or even distractions. But true, lasting comfort comes from a...
World peace is something we all desire. But is it attainable? Isaiah the prophet wrote of a time in which "nation will no longer fight...
We all face temptations in our daily life. From sweet treats to habits that can be a lot more destructive, choosing the right path can...
Have you ever wished you could erase a past mistake? In this podcast, we dive deep into the background of forgiveness. We explore the...
Will faith filly my belly? Jesus told His disciples to pray, “Give us each day the food we need.” On this podcast, we’ll be discussing...
Where is God's kingdom? On this episode of the Relentlessly Knocking podcast, we are exploring the meaning behind Jesus' model prayer for...
The first line in Jesus' model prayer is famously known. Maybe you've never considered the meaning and significance of this memorable...
In this first episode of our new podcast, we'll see what it means to Knock Relentlessly for God. Jesus taught His disciples how to pray....
Our lives can be confusing at times. There are some days when we feel important. We may have some big dream, hobby, or passion that we...
There are difficulties understanding the Divine nature. Does the Bible say there is one God or three gods? This difficult question is...
Who is Jesus? A good teacher? An extraordinary man? Or is he something else entirely? If we look up to someone for long enough, we'll...
The popular idea regarding saints is that they are extraordinary people who have achieved a special status among all other Christians....
Jesus is inseparable from church and religion— assuming we're talking about the right church and the right religion. The challenge comes...
How did the wise men know where to find Jesus? There may be more to the traditional telling of the nativity narrative than what we've...
The concept behind baptism is a washing with water to make one's soul clean. The practice was first officially instituted by Christ...
Be careful where you look for investment advice. The best advice is not on social media. In only truly be found in God's word! This is...
So you're thinking about a fresh start. You even considered a few different possibilities. That's great. But you don't need more options....
The simple answer is because there are so many different preferences and traditions, even among those who identify as Christians. People...
“Glory” is one of the most common and significant words in the Bible. Although “glory” is used in several ways, one of its most common...
The historical evidence is in overwhelming support of Jesus of Nazareth being a real person who lived in Palestine during the first...
If you're asking this question, you have already taken the first step toward being right with God. James 4:8–10 says, "Draw near to God,...
The “trinity” is a hard concept to accept. How can three be one without being three? When one hears the word “God” it seems that one...
The Bible is a magnificent book both in its scope and claim. The scope of the Bible is from the beginning of time until the end of time,...